
The credentials API provides the core functionality for device authentication credentials in Net LineDancer.

Methods in this API return various “credentials objects” (e.g. CredentialConfig) which encapsulate attributes of specific credentials in Net LineDancer. These configuration objects are expressed in JSON format.

A dynamic CredentialConfig object is expressed in JSON format seen here:

   "priority": 1,
   "addressSet": {
      "addresses": [
   "name": "LVI",
   "managedNetwork": "Default",
   "flat": false

Here is an example of a static CredentialConfig object. Note the empty addresses list and flat value of true:

   "priority": 0,
   "addressSet": {
      "addresses": [ ]
   "name": "Static",
   "managedNetwork": "Default",
   "flat": true
Attribute Type Description
priority Integer A lower priority number indicates higher placement in the list of credential configurations. These credentials will be tried before others with a higher number.
addressSet Object A container for “addresses”. Consider this a “fixed” element.
addresses String Array An array of IP Addresses, IP Wildcards, and IP/CIDR expressions the a “dynamic” CredentialConfig applies to. This should be empty for static credential configurations.
name String The name of the CredentialConfig as seen in the user interface.
managedNetwork String The name of the network that this configuration applies to. If there are no user-created networks this value should be Default.
flat Boolean true if the CredentialConfig represents a “static” configuration, false if it is dynamic.

An example CredentialSet object is expressed in JSON format seen here:

   "name": "Lab Credentials #1",
   "username": "lvi",
   "password": "lvi",
   "enableUsername": "lvi",
   "enablePassword": "lvi",
   "roCommunityString": "public",
   "snmpUsername": "v3user",
   "snmpAuthPassword": "v3pass",
   "snmpPrivPassword": "v3priv",
   "priority": 0
Attribute Type Description
name String Name of the credential set. In the case of dynamic credentials this is any user defined name; for static credentials the name MUST be an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).
username String The VTY username
password String The VTY password
enableUsername String The enable username
enablePassword String The enable password
roCommunityString String The SNMP read-only community string
snmpUsername String The SNMPv3 username
snmpAuthPassword String The SNMPv3 password
snmpAuthPriv String The SNMPv3 private password
priority Integer A lower priority number indicates higher placement in the list of credential sets. These credentials will be tried before others with a higher number. Inapplicable to static credentials

An example PageData object is expressed in JSON format seen here:

    "offset": 0,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "total": 27,
    "credentialSets": [<CredentialSet> objects]
Attribute Type Description
offset Integer The starting offset in the results to begin retrieving pageSize number of CredentialSet objects.
pageSize Integer The maximum number of CredentialSet objects to retrieve in a single method call.
total Integer This value is set and retrieved from the server when an offset of zero (0) is passed. This indicates the total number of CredentialSet objects available.
credentialSets Array An array of CredentialSet objects


Retrieves a single credential configuration CredentialConfig object.


Parameter Type Description
network String Name of an existing network, e.g. “Default”
configName String Name of a dynamic or static credential configuration

Return: a CredentialConfig object

Sample Request JSON:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "method": "Credentials.getCredentialConfig",
   "params": {
              "network": "Default",
              "configName": "LogicVein"
   "id": 1

Sample Response JSON:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "id": 1,
   "result": {
      "priority": 2,
      "addressSet": {
         "addresses": [
      "name": "LogicVein",
      "managedNetwork": "Default",
      "flat": false


Save a single credential configuration. This method can be used to save a new configuration, or renaming an existing one. Note: after call this method you must call the commitEdits or discardEdits method. If you are making many changes, it is recommended that all changes are should be made before a final call to commitEdits.


Parameter Type Description
network String Name of an existing network, e.g. “Default”
oldConfigName String When renaming a credential configuration, this value should be the “old” (original) name of the configuration, and object in the credentialConfig parameter should contain the new name. This can be null in all other cases.
credentialConfig Object A CredentialConfig object

Return: the updated CredentialConfig object

Sample Request JSON:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "method": "Credentials.saveCredentialConfig",
   "params": {
              "network": "Default",
              "oldConfigName": "LogicVein",
              "credentialConfig": {
                                   "priority": 1,
                                   "addressSet": {
                                                  "addresses": [ "" ]
                                   "name": "LogicVein2",
                                   "managedNetwork": "Default",
                                   "flat": false
   "id": 1


Delete a single credential configuration. Note: after call this method you must call the commitEdits or discardEdits method. If you are making many changes, it is recommended that all changes are
should be made before a final call to commitEdits.


Parameter Type Description
network String Name of an existing network, e.g. “Default”
configName String Name of a dynamic or static credential configuration

Return: nothing

Sample Request JSON:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "method": "Credentials.deleteCredentialConfig",
   "params": {
              "network": "Default",
              "configName": "LogicVein"
   "id": 1


Get the credential sets associated with a specified credential configuration.


Parameter Type Description
pageData Object A credentials page data object (see above)
network String Name of an existing network, e.g. “Default”
configName String Name of a dynamic or static credential configuration
ipOrCidr String Can be to search among static CredentialSets based on IP or IP/CIDR, can be “null”
sortColumn String Should be “null” for dynamic configurations, or “ipAddress” for static credential configurations
descending Boolean The sort order of the CredentialSet objects, only applicable to static configurations

Return: A PageData object containing a collection of CredentialSet objects

The PageData object that is returned will contain a property called credentialSets, which is an array of CredentialSet objects. If the initial offset that is passed is zero (0),
the returned PageData object will also contain a populated total attribute, telling you how many total results are available. By incrementing the offset by pageSize you can
retrieve subsequent pages of results. When offset + pageSize is greater than or equal to total there are no more results available.

Sample Request JSON:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "method": "Credentials.getCredentialSets",
   "params": {
              "pageData": {
                           "offset": 0,
                           "pageSize": 10,
                           "total": 0,
                           "credentialSets": [ ]
              "network": "Default",
              "configName": "LogicVein",
              "ipOrCidr": null,
              "sortColumn": "ipAddress",
              "descending": false
   "id": 1

Sample Response JSON:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "id": 1,
   "result": {
      "offset": 0,
      "pageSize": 10,
      "total": 2,
      "credentialSets": [
            "name": "Lab Credentials #1",
            "username": "lvi",
            "password": "lvi",
            "enableUsername": "lvi",
            "enablePassword": "lvi",
            "roCommunityString": "public",
            "snmpUsername": "",
            "snmpAuthPassword": "",
            "snmpPrivPassword": "",
            "priority": 0
            "name": "Lab Credentials #2",
            "username": "test",
            "password": "test",
            "enableUsername": "test",
            "enablePassword": "test",
            "roCommunityString": "public",
            "snmpUsername": "test",
            "snmpAuthPassword": "test",
            "snmpPrivPassword": "test",
            "priority": 1

Static credential sets will look identical to dynamic credential sets with the exception that the name property will contain the IP address of the device that the credential set is associated with.


Save a collection of credential sets. Note: after call this method you must call the commitEdits or discardEdits method. If you are making many changes, it is recommended that all changes are
should be made before a final call to commitEdits.


Parameter Type Description
network String Name of an existing network, e.g. “Default”
configName String Name of a dynamic or static credential configuration
credentialSets Array An array of CredentialSet objects

Return: nothing

Sample Request JSON:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "method": "Credentials.saveCredentialSets",
   "params": {
              "network": "Default",
              "configName": "LogicVein",
              "credentialSets": [
                     "name": "Lab Credentials #1",
                     "username": "newUsername",
                     "password": "lvi",
                     "enableUsername": "newEnable",
                     "enablePassword": "lvi",
                     "roCommunityString": "public",
                     "snmpUsername": "",
                     "snmpAuthPassword": "",
                     "snmpPrivPassword": "",
                     "priority": 0
   "id": 1


Delete a collection of credential sets. Note: after call this method you must call the commitEdits or discardEdits method. If you are making many changes, it is recommended that all changes are should be made before a final call to commitEdits.


Parameter Type Description
network String Name of an existing network, e.g. “Default”
configName String Name of a dynamic or static credential configuration
credentialSets Array An array of CredentialSet objects

Return: nothing

Sample Request JSON:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "method": "Credentials.deleteCredentialSets",
   "params": {
              "network": "Default",
              "configName": "LogicVein",
              "credentialSets": [
                     "name": "Old Credentials #1",
                     "username": "lvi",
                     "password": "lvi",
                     "enableUsername": "newEnable",
                     "enablePassword": "lvi",
                     "roCommunityString": "public",
                     "snmpUsername": "",
                     "snmpAuthPassword": "",
                     "snmpPrivPassword": "",
                     "priority": 0
                     "name": "Old Credentials #2",
                     "username": "test",
                     "password": "test",
                     "enableUsername": "test",
                     "enablePassword": "test",
                     "roCommunityString": "public",
                     "snmpUsername": "",
                     "snmpAuthPassword": "",
                     "snmpPrivPassword": "",
                     "priority": 1
   "id": 1