
NOTE: This API has significant and incompatible changes in the next major release. You will need to update any scripts that use these APIs.

The scheduler API provides access to job management, scheduling and execution. Job types include tools, configuration backup, Smart Changes, and reports.

See the Scheduler Objects section for a description of the various objects consumed and returned by these APIs.


Save (or replace) the job defined by the specified JobData.


Parameter Type Description
jobData JobData A JobData job definition object
replace Boolean true if an existing job with the same name replaced, false otherwise

Return: the JobData object with jobId property populated.


Delete the specified job.


Parameter Type Description
managedNetwork String The name of the network in which the job is defined
jobName String The name of the job to delete

Return: true if the Job was deleted successfully, false otherwise


Get the JobData for the specified device.


Parameter Type Description
managedNetwork String The name of the network in which the job is defined
jobName String The name of the job

Return: a JobData object.


Create a “trigger” (schedule) for a job.


Parameter Type Description
triggerData TriggerData The schedule (trigger) definition

Return: an updated TriggerData object.


Delete a “trigger” (schedule) for a job.


Parameter Type Description
managedNetwork String The name of the network in which the schedule is defined
triggerData String The schedule (trigger) name
jobName String The name of the job

Return: a boolean, true if the trigger was found and deleted.


Execute a job defined by the specified JobData.


Parameter Type Description
jobData JobData A JobData job definition object

Return: an ExecutionData object.


Execute a job defined by the specified JobData.


Parameter Type Description
managedNetwork String The name of the network in which the job is defined
jobName String The name of the job to run

Return: an ExecutionData object.


Get paged ExecutionData objects representing the execution history of jobs in the scheduler.


Parameter Type Description
pageData ExecutionPageData Page object for execution data
sortColumn String The name of an ExecutionData attribute to sort by, null for default sort order
descending Boolean true if the sort should be descending

Return: an updated ExecutionPageData object.


Get an ExecutionData object by its id for a specific job execution.


Parameter Type Description
executionId Integer The ID of a specific job execution, obtained from the ExecutionData object returned when it was run or from the Scheduler.getExecutionDetails API.

Return: an ExecutionData object.

Scheduler Objects


Field Type Description
jobName String The name of the job
description String The description of the job
managedNetwork String The name of the network in which the job is defined
jobType String One of the pre-defined NetLD job types (see below)
jobParameters Map A map (hash) of job parameter name/value pairs that are specific to each jobType (see below)


Field Type Description
triggerName String The name of the schedule (trigger)
jobName String The name of the job
jobNetwork String The name of the network in which the schedule (trigger) is defined
timeZone String The timezone name
cronExpression String The cron expression


Field Type Description
id Integer The execution ID
jobName String The name of the job
managedNetwork String The name of the network in which the job is defined
executor String The username of the user who executed the job
startTime 64-bit Integer The start time of the job as a Unix epoch value
endTime 64-bit Integer The end time of the job as a Unix epoch value. This value is null until the job has completed execution, and can be used to “poll” the execution status until this value becomes non-null.
completionState Integer 0=normal, 1=cancelled, 2=misfired (schedule missed)
status String One of: “OK”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, “ABORT”


Attribute Type Description
offset Integer The starting offset in the results to begin retrieving pageSize number of ExecutionData objects.
pageSize Integer The maximum number of ExecutionData objects to retrieve in a single method call.
total Integer This value is set and retrieved from the server when an offset of zero (0) is passed. This indicates the total number of ExecutionData objects available. This value is ignored when ExecutionData is used as a parameter.
executionData Array An array of ExecutionData objects. This value is ignored (and optional) when ExecutionPageData is used as a parameter.

Job Types

Type Name Type Description
“Backup Configuration” Network device configuration backup.
“Bulk Update” SmartChange execution.
“Discover Devices” Network device discovery.
“Script Tool Job” Pre-definied read/write tool execution.

Job Parameters (per Job Type)

Job parameters are stored in a map (hash) of string name/value pairs. All job parameter names and values are UTF-8 strings. Even “Boolean” and “Integer” values should be stored as strings such as “true” or “5432”.

Most (but not all) jobs share a common set of “device resolution” parametersused to specify the set of devices that the job applies to (see Device Resolution Parameters)

Device Resolution Parameters

The documentation below for each specific type will declare whether these values are applicable.

Name Type Value Description
ipResolutionScheme String A single scheme name, or comma-separated list of scheme names. See for documentation regarding supported values.
ipResolutionData String The query associated with the scheme(s) specified. If there are multiple schemes specified, the query parameter should contain new-line (\n) characters between each query scheme query string. See documentation for examples of multi-scheme query values.
managedNetwork String The name of the network in which the devices are resolved. This value should be the same as the managedNetwork defined in the JobData object.

“Backup Configuration”

Ruby example:

job = {
    'managedNetwork' => 'Headquarters',
    'jobName' => "HQ backup",
    'jobType' => 'Backup Configuration',
    'description' => '',
    'jobParameters' => {
        'ipResolutionScheme' => 'ipAddress',
        'ipResolutionData' => '',
        'managedNetwork' => 'Headquarters'

execution = netld['Scheduler.runNow', job]

“Bulk Update”

  • Device resolution parameters required.

In version 14.06 Scheduler.addJob is not supported for this job type. Only Scheduler.runExistingJobNow is currently supported. This means that the SmartChange (“bulk update”) must first be created through the browser user interface.

Name Type Value Description
replacementMode String Valid values are: “perdevice” or “perjob”.
templateXml String This string property should be copied verbatim from the JobData object for the SmartChange, retrieved from the Scheduler.getJob API.
replacements String An XML string defining the replacement values to be applied to the SmartChange template. See the documentation below for specific format.

The “replacements” XML content is very similar between perdevice and perjob type SmartChanges.

In the “perjob” case, there is a single <config> tag defined, containing a <replacement> tag for each replacement defined in the SmartChange template. The “name” attribute of a <replacement> tag must match exactly the name of a replacement defined in the template. The “value” expressed between the opening and closing <replacement> tags must be a Base64 encoded value. This is the value that will be substituted in the template before execution.

Per-job example replacements XML

    <replacement name="IP Address">MTkyLjE2OC4wLjI1NA==</replacement>
    <replacement name="VLAN ID">MTAw</replacement>

The “perdevice” replacements XML is similar to the “perjob” XML, with two notable exceptions. The <config> tag must now contain a “device” attribute whose value is the IP address of the device, followed by an @ character, and finally a managed network name. Note that if the SmartChange job definition was created in a network called “Headquarters”, then a device that is defined to be in another networks, e.g. %2210.0.0.1@Default%22, will be ignored.

The second difference from a “perjob” XML definition is that there is one <config> and set of <replacement> tags for each device in the job.

Per-device example replacements XML

  <config device="">
    <replacement name="IP Address">MTkyLjE2OC4wLjI2NB==</replacement>
    <replacement name="VLAN ID">MTIzNA==</replacement>
  <config device="">
    <replacement name="IP Address">aWprbA==</replacement>
    <replacement name="VLAN ID">OTAxMg==</replacement>

Note: the replacements names of “IP Address” and “VLAN ID” are merely example replacement names, not pre-defined or required names.

“Discover Devices”

  • Device resolution parameters not required.
Name Type Value Description
communityStrings String Additional SNMP community string or comma-separated list of strings
boundaryNetworks String Comma-separated list of discovery boundary networks (CIDR)
crawl String A “boolean” value indicating whether the discovery should use neighbor/peer information to discover additional devices
includeInventory String A “boolean” value indicating whether the discovery should automatically include current inventory devices. This option is only meaningful when “crawl” is also set to “true”
addresses String A comma-separated list of IP address “shapes” to include in the discovery. See below.

Python example:

job_data = {
    'managedNetwork': 'Headquarters',
    'jobName': 'Discover lab devices',
    'jobType': 'Discover Devices',
    'description': '',
    'jobParameters': {
        'addresses': ',',
        'managedNetwork': 'Headquarters',
        'crawl': 'false',
        'boundaryNetworks': ',,',
        'includeInventory': 'false',
        'communityStrings': 'public'

execution ='Scheduler.runNow', job_data)